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New EForm Generator

Exciting new feature announcement

Juno EMR Services (formerly OscarHost) is very excited today to publicly launch our new eForm generator for OSCAR McMaster. This new eForm generator is a big step towards all users being able to quickly add new forms to their EMR with minimal effort. Our team has been using and improving this new eForm generator for many months and our we now use it exclusively for the building of new forms for our clients. This new eForm generator allows us to generate online forms much quicker than we were previously able to do.

Watch a video on the new eForm generator here:

Some of our customers will already have seen and used this new eForm generator but many have not. All customers will have this new eForm generator integrated in their EMR when we upgrade them to OSCAR McMaster v15 over the next few months.

If you would like to access this new eForm generator and you don’t currently have it integrated into your EMR you can login to our demonstration instance here:
username: demo
password: Demo1234
2nd level passcode: 1234

Some of the great new improvements of this new eForm generator include:

  • easy field alignment with snap lines
  • editing previous forms
  • easily moving previously placed fields
  • copy/paste fields
  • easily resize fields once placed
  • efax integration
Happy form building!

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